See #3 under the Terms below.
1) Interest will be charged on all invoices not paid within 30 days of the invoice date (2% per month or 24% annual rate)
2) All PAST DUE accounts are subject to Cash or Delivery (C.O.D.)
3) $400,00 yearly average is normally required for open account status.
In any event, if any charges(s) ever occurring on this account, are placed for collection or suit, I agree to pay all
collection charges, costs, attorney fees, and legal interest on all charges not paid. In consideration of extending
credit to the proceeding named, I do hereby guarantee the payment of such sum or sums of money as may be due
to any work, service or goods purchased through Lefeld Welding & Steel Supplies, Inc.
I understand and agree to meet Lefeld Welding & Steel Supplies, Inc. terms of Net 30 days if an account is
established. I also certify that all information given herein is true and correct, and authorize any credit inquiries
necessary to establish this account.